

What It Means To Be Born -Again


John 3:1-8
The miracle of the new birth is the greatest of all miracles. To be born again or born of the SpiritofGod is the greatest thing that can happen to a man. The miracle of the new birth is a showcase of the power of God in an unprecedented manner. It quickens a man who has been dead in sins and trespasses to begin to live and manifest the fruits of the Spirit. To turn a man who was used to being a servant of Satan and a slave to sin, to a righteous servant of God is agreat miracle - indeed, the greatest of all miracles!
          The miracle of the new birth is greater than the miracle of having a child after a long delay. It is greater than the miracles of healing, deliverance and prosperity. It is greater than the miracle of even raising the dead. The miracle of the new birth is the miracle that leads you to life eternal, to the kingdom of God. A person can get healed without being free from sin. A person can get delivered from demonic oppressions and attacks. A person can even be raised from the dead but without the miracle of the new birth; the person so healed, delivered or raised from the dead, will not be able to make heaven. The miracle of the new birth helps to prepare one for heaven.
          To believe in the deity and divinity of Christ like Nicodemus believed is good; to believe in miracles, healing and deliverance is great, but profession alone without the composite experience of the new birth will not take anybody to heaven. The essential nature and importance of being born again is underscored by the very words of Jesus to Nicodemus: “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”  Religious activities or rituals cannot do it. 

The new birth is the cleansing, reassuring work of the Word of God and the diligent operation of the Spirit. Except the double operations of the Word and the Spirit take place in a man’s heart to make him born again and qualified for heaven, he cannot see, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. The new birth occasions in man, moral, emotional and spiritual transformation and fills him with the fruits of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, meekness, self-control, etc. It makes an otherwise sin-laden man to be godly and righteous.  

         1 Corinthians 3:11; 2 Timothy 2:19; Hebrews 6:1; Psalm 11:3;
         Acts        17:30,31; 20:20,21; 26:20;  2 Corinthians 7:10; Acts 19:18,19.

          The foundation of the new birth or new life is repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the foundation that is sealed with the stamp of heaven. Theologians, preachers, denominations, religious men and women cannot change it. We build our Christian faith on shaky foundation when we  depend on church membership, religious duties, activities and church ordinances like infant baptism, confirmation and the Lord’s Supper to take us to heaven. Repentance is the foundation of the new birth experience.

 Without repentance, there is no way anyone can be born again. “Repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” is the solid foundation, the indestructible foundation of the new birth.  To experience the new birth, you need to:
1.    Have a knowledge of your personal sin, not the sin of another person.
2.    See those sins as God sees them; do not excuse them or portray them in good light.
3.    Have godly sorrow for your sin as Jesus felt the pains and agony when He was nailed on  the cross for your sin. 
4.    Have a heart that is set against all your past sins.
5.    Confess your sins to God with deep, deep sorrow of heart.
6.    Turn away from them and separate completely from every sin.
7.    Destroy all the objects of sin and anything connected with your past sin.

         John 1:12,13; Galatians 3:26; James 2:19; John 2:23-25; Mark 3:11; Luke 7:37,38,48,50; Romans 3:22-26; 10:8-10; Ephesians 2:8-10; 1 John 5:11-13.

            Faith is very important and indispensable for the new birth experience. But many people don’t understand faith in Jesus Christ. They mistake it for faith for healing, deliverance from demonic attacks, prosperity, miracle. The faith being referred to here is the faith that trusts in the mercy and grace of God, faith that trusts the Lord for salvation. It is important that we have this kind of faith because without it, we cannot have genuine salvation experience.

 This is the kind of faith that produces in man, internal and external moral transformation. The faith that saves is that sure trust in God that through the sacrifice of Christ our sins are forgiven, we are set free from sin so that they do not have power or dominion over us any more. By it, we are reconciled unto God.

       Romans 8:15,16; 5:1,5; 1 John 4:7,12,18-21; 3:14-16; 2:9-11; 3:1-9; 2:29;1John 5:4,18; Romans 6:1-4,6,7,11,12,18,22
          The new birth comes with some evidence, some fruits. It changes what you used to be, the life you used to live, the places you used to go, the dresses or clothes you used to wear, the behaviour and character you used to manifest. The evidence is both internal and external. Internally, it brings assurance of sonship and salvation in your spirit that you are a child of God. It brings joy, peace and love. By it, the love of God shed abroad in your heart replaces envy, jealousy, hatred, malice and vindictive spirit. 

It fills you with love for God and for His people; it fills you with love for the scriptures, love for the people of God, love for sinners and love for even your enemies. In short, the new birth experience fills you with love for everybody around you. However, it is our abiding in Christ that gives us continual grace to live an overcoming life. The external evidence that you are born again is that you live a righteous life. When you are born again, you will not continue in sin.

Sundy worship service message by Pastor W.F. Kumuyi

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