What you may not know about the Red Sea and the 'Sons of God'New evidence for the parting of the Red Sea | ||
The forth volume in the Hebrew Roots DVD video teaching series from Israel. Two foundations of Biblical faith were buried by those who rejected the Messiah – and we must once again tread these ancient paths… A Rood Awakening! Volume 5: Episode 7 – DVD The Red Sea Crossing Atheists have scoffed at the mention of it, modern religionists have denied it’s veracity, and papal pundits refuse to admit that Constantine’s mother selected the wrong sites for The Red Sea Crossing and The REAL Mount Sinai – ground zero for the two most famous events in recorded history. Now, you will see the scientific and archaeological evidence that has been preserved in coral and stone for this generation. Click here to read more. They are among the strangest mysteries of the Old Testament. Now, hear Jim Staley explain in a comprehensive new teaching what these odd beings really were - and are. They've been interpeted as "nobles" and "sons of Seth," but for the true answer we may need to look in another dimension entirely. From Genesis to Revelation and from Mt. Olympus to Area 51, Jim shows that there is, indeed, "something out there." He draws on his deep knowledge of Scripture and Hebrew terminology, along with extra-biblical sources such as first century authors Josephus and Philo of Alexandria, as well as the Book of Enoch and a variety of archeological sources. But seeking the answers is not simply a matter of satisfying our curiosity. Jim explains that understanding these mysterious beings will help us understand critical questions such as the plan of Satan, and how men are to fall away so quickly in the Last Days as Jesus prophecied. This new lesson by Jim Staley pulls together and shows a connection between Greek mythology, the La Azazel goat of Yom Kippur, fallen angels, roaming evil spirits and aliens. Not only is this teaching "on the edge of your seat" fascinating, it is very scripturally based and supported by innumerable facts of history. Click here to get your copy of the new DVD from Jim Staley, "Who are the 'Sons of God'?". Jim Staley and Passion for Truth Ministries What happened to each of the 12 tribes who were gathered at the foot of Mt. Sinai when the Mosaic Covenant was pronounced by Yahweh for His people? This is the starting point for the presentation called "Identity Crisis," now available from the WND Superstore According to Staley: For two thousand years we have all been taught that Israel is the Jewish people and the Jewish people are Israel. This misunderstanding has crippled our ability to truly glean from the scriptures all that was originally intended. The greatest prophecy of the Bible concerns this very topic. Many have called this teaching the key to understanding the entire Bible. Without an accurate understanding of what exactly "Israel" refers to throughout the Old and New Testaments, much of the Bible will be completely misinterpreted, and would-be Christians will unknowingly remain outside the fold. As Staley says: "We've still got Egypt inside of us and it's time to get it out!" For those who subscribe to a Hebrew roots interpretation of Christianity, Jim Staley is a foremost teacher whose immense Scriptural knowledge and sharp insights will provide sustenance during your walk with God, and depth to your faith. Even for those unfamiliar with or outside this sphere of interpretation, Staley illuminates the New Testament with reference to its foundations in the Old Testament in ways that every follower of Christ will appreciate and learn from. Click here to order Jim Staley's newest lesson, "Identity Crisis." What is the purpose for the Messiah coming back the second time? What is the number one goal of His heart for His people? Beginning with God's first promises at the time of creation, Jim reviews the prophecies and the covenants, returning repeatedly to Scripture, and culminating with "the most prophetic chapter in the entire Bible." In making the case that the law - the Torah - is and has always been at the center of our relationship with God, he observes that for erring on the side of legalism "there are no consequences." Click this link to hear 'The Case for the Covenant' for yourself. Explaining the mission of Passion for Truth Ministries, Jim says "We hold to the belief that we are much more likely to lay hold of the Truth when we peel back 1900 years of church tradition and man-made doctrine and let the authors themselves speak from their Jewish and Hebraic cultures and backgrounds. "Focusing on understanding the Hebraic background of the Old Testament and comprehending the Jewish framework and mindset of the authors of the New Testament forces us to get rid of our bias’ and accept the plain meaning of the text from the authors’ point of view." More video teachings from Jim Staley and Passion for Truth Ministries Jim Staley goes deep into the ancient, mysterious sacrifice of the red heifer and shows the prophetic connections to our Messiah Yeshua. He then reveals why this sacrifice is so important for today and the End of Days. Yeshua's ministry was three and a half years long; this was the exact age required of a red heifer if it was to be sacrificed in ancient Israel. It had to be prefect and unblemished. Yeshua was perfect and unblemished. It had to be burned with cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet wool. Yeshua was crucified on a cedar cross beam, was given gall on hyssop, and was wrapped in a scarlet robe. The connections are incredible. The strange commandment to sacrifice a perfect red heifer for the cleansing of the Israeli people is one of the most important foreshadowings of the death, burial, and resurrection of our Messiah - and is central to the End Times prophecies. Click here to watch the trailer The enemy knows that in order to destroy God's people, all that he needs to do is to destroy the founding "Constitution" of God…His Law. If he could convince the people that His Law, ordinances and commandments that He intended for Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness were no longer relevant for today, that the people would fall into bondage by creating their own laws. The enemy has crafted and executed his plan perfectly as he has convinced mankind that the Law of God is no longer relevant for today. He has even convinced us that it was God's idea to get rid of it! This in-depth DVD series (three discs) goes from cover to cover in a very step-by-step approach to finally answer this question once and for all. We will first dive into a comprehensive study of what the definition of sin is. Then we will journey through all the major covenants of the scriptures finally answering what the New Covenant actually is. Lastly, a considerable amount of time is spent going through virtually every single verse in the NT that has been misunderstood concerning this very topic. By the end of this series, the veil will be lifted, the enemy's plan foiled, and we will finally see clearly "Grounds for High Treason." Learn more about The Great Church Audit by clicking HERE. | ||