


Mark 2:5-12; John 8:32-36; Romans 6:1,2

          Man needs forgiveness from an offended God. Without forgiveness, he remains under condemnation and is heading to hell - a place of eternal punishment. Sin against God cannot be forgiven by an ordinary man no matter who he is, just like no single individual has the right to forgive the crime of people against the nation. Whoever commits sin is a weak fellow who yields to a power that is stronger and greater than himself. Therefore, he is servant of sin. But there is a possibility of forgiveness and freedom from sin. Christ has been appointed by God, not only to forgive, but also to set free from sin. The power of the Lord Jesus Christ is so great that it brings forgiveness and freedom from the law of sin and death through the law of the Spirit of life. When this truth is known, Christ, the appointed One, sets free from sin.

          Mark 2:10; Acts 5:30,31; Colossians 2:13,14.
As the sinner comes to the Lord to confess his sins and to turn away from them, he must rely on the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross and accept that He has power to forgive freely. “Know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins” whatever sin you have committed. If forgiveness is to be offered to any man, it is here on earth. There is no forgiveness beyond the grave. It is the Lord Jesus Christ that is appointed to grant forgiveness of sins. Our sins are forgiven on the basis of His sacrifice. The Father has appointed Him and has made Him to be the Prince and Saviour to give repentance and forgiveness to both Jews and Gentiles.
          Where a man spends eternity depends on whether he has had the understanding as well as the experience of forgiveness from the Lord. For proper understanding of the forgiveness of God, there is need to know (i) the condition of forgiveness – Proverbs 28:13; Isaiah 55:6,7; 1 John 1:9. These include confession of sins, turning away from all sins and seeking the Lord. (ii) The concepts of forgiveness – Isaiah 43:25; Romans 3:25; Hebrews 8:12. The concept is that God forgives and forgets past sins and He gives grace to go and sin no more. (iii) The completeness of forgiveness – Psalm 103:3; Ezekiel 18:21-23. He forgives all past sins. (iv) The cost of forgiveness – Matthew 26:28; Hebrews 9:22; Ephesians 1:7. Jesus Christ paid the cost at Calvary. (v) Conversion with forgiveness of God – Acts 3:19. It should bring about conversion. (vi) Consecration after forgiveness – Psalm 51:2,7-13. It should lead to consecration to the Lord and to evangelism. (7) The consequence of forgiveness – Psalm 130:4. It should produce godly fear which makes those forgiven to shun every appearance of evil.

John 8:11,12,30-32, 36; 5:14; Titus 2:11-13; Romans 6:6-13,18,22; 1 John 3:4-9; 5:18.
          When we come to the Lord, He has the grace and power not only to forgive but also give us the power to go and live a life that is free from the bondage of sin. Jesus, releasing the woman from the bondage and power of her sin, said, “neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.” When a man becomes born again, he receives the privilege of having the transforming power and grace into his life. Those who keep confessing their sins are under conviction and are not yet converted. When there is conversion, God deals with the past with mercy and the present with His grace. The evidence of a transformed life is that the transformed man walks in the light and not in darkness. It is the privilege of every child of God to be free from all sin. Forgiveness is never treated in isolation in the word of God. It comes with the privilege of freedom from all sins. When God forgives a sinner, He also grants the grace to live in newness of life and freedom from sin.
          Those who are abiding in Christ do not sin. The proof of abiding in Christ is cessation of sin. Those who are not free from sin are devoid of God’s grace. They do not also deliberately put themselves in the way of temptation but “he that is begotten of God keepeth himself”. By the power of His blood, the power of His word, the provision of His grace, His protection as our Shepherd and preservation by our heavenly Father, we are kept free from sin. If you have not got the privilege yet, it is an evidence that you have not been truly born again. The blood of Jesus Christ is still efficacious today, it will cleanse you from sin. Christ has made adequate provision for our forgiveness as well as for our freedom from all sins.

          Luke 17:3,4; Ephesians 4:31,32.
          Christian love and forgiveness are taught, commanded and demanded by Christ. A true believer has the spirit of love and forgiveness towards his fellow man. Having received forgiveness from the Lord, he reciprocates same by forgiving others. An old Spanish proverb says, “to return evil for good is devilish, to return good for good is human but to return good for evil is god-like.” It is not a proof of salvation when you do good to only those who do good to you but when you return good for evil. There are sentimental and scriptural kinds of forgiveness. Sentimental forgiveness is not right because (i) It is deficient – it lacks necessary ingredient like sorrow or remorse for offence committed, like Absalom’s. (ii) It is deceptive – handing forgiveness to offenders without rebuking them and allowing them to repent. (ii) It is degenerating – it makes the unrepentant person worse for it. (iv) It is delinquent – it makes the unrepentant individual to commit more crimes. (v) It is destructive of morals. (vi) It distorts the view and understanding of God. (vii) It damns the soul eternally. 
          Scriptural forgiveness is reasonable, Bible-based and it has (i) repentance (ii) restitution – it goes with apology or restoration of what had been stolen to their rightful owners; (iii) redemption – it gets out of bondage; (iv) reconciliation (v) righteousness (vi) responsibility (vii) reciprocity – as he has been forgiven, so it forgives others – Matthew 18:21-35. The Lord will not accept any excuse for resentment, ill-will, unforgiveness, bitterness, retaliation or bearing grudges regardless of what people have done. We must forgive those who have trespassed against us if we want to keep our own forgiveness and if we desire eternal fellowship with God in heaven.


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