


By Gbenga Emiloju:


The categories of people you spend most of your times with will always determine the result your life will produce. You will end up like the caliber of people you continually associate with. 
You must not forget that life is too short. So stop wasting your time with the wrong people. Stay in the company of positive-minded and right-thinking individuals who can help you achieve your goals. 

If you must achieve your goals and dreams in life, it is expedient that you choose to be with the right people who can inspire, motivate and encourage you to achieve your goals. 
There are some people that God has destined to help you reach your goals. It is your responsibility to locate and get connected with such people. Staying around wrong people may deny you the opportunity to meet the right people or can as well drive the right people away from you.

You must be ready to let go off some people because everybody cannot go with you to where God is taking you. God's plan for Abraham's life didn't materialize until he parted ways with Lot.

The higher you go in life the more selective you should become about the people you mingle with. It is never a pride to be distinct in selecting your friends, it is all about being careful. For the foolishness of one idiot can cost you a reputation of many years or dream of a lifetime. 

You may not necessarily need to have too many people in your life. It is better to have a few quality people who are pushing you forward than to be in the company of one hundred people who are not helping in moving your life forward. 
Don't get stuck in a web involving people that have nothing good or
meaningful to contribute to your progress. Avoid the company of 
people whose interest is what they can benefit from you without 
having regards for your growth and personal wellbeing. 

Most times, we hang around people that we know are not helpful to our progress but we find it difficult to let go just because we don't want to hurt their feelings. It is better you sack them before they sack your destiny. 

Never run with wrong people so you don't end up at a wrong location. Do everything possible to surround yourself with people that can add value to you and contribute positively to your life. 

In managing people, you need to be diplomatic and always ask for the wisdom of God. You must not allow your compassion or sympathy for others to hinder you from taking decisions that are important in helping you to reach your goals.
When it was time for Abraham to part way with his nephew - Lot in Genesis 13, he did it in such a way that Lot was not offended. Divine wisdom and diplomacy are vital factors in managing people, especially those whose closeness to you are detrimental to your growth and success. 

It is not a bad idea to be in close connection with people that need you in order to reach their goals. But as much as they need you to make progress in their lives, you must also do everything necessary to make sure that their existence in your life doesn't constitute nuisance or hinder your own growth process. 
As much as you need to be generous to the people who need your help to grow, make sure it is not done at the expense of your personal well-being. You must not be sympathetic to any relationship that is detrimental to your progress or has capacity to stunt your growth. 

The higher you go in life the tighter your circle should become. Evaluate your circle friends and *diplomatically discard* people whose presence are detrimental to your dreams and purpose in life.

A none profit and none governmental Education sSupport Orrganisation based in Ekiti State

Gbenga Emiloju (DMPII) is the founder and Chief Executive  Officer of  DMPII
A none profit and none governmental Education sSupport Orrganisation based in Ekiti State.

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