



It is no longer news that schools had spent more than 100 days under locks and keys due to the pandemic that had plagued the world.

What is news however  and of great concern to stakeholders is when shall schools be reopening and what shall be the necessary requirements that need to be put in place in order to guarantee the safety and guard the health and lives of the children and teachers alike?

Government in her desire and move to ensure safety is trying to put in place some measures with the hope that school owners and concerned authorities would work out a synergy to see that reopening is not a free access to death sentence.

COVID-19 prevention Protocol to be put in place in our Schools in some quarters and how best to not just copy wrongly  from those who perhaps have already taken steps in this direction  and have exposed the children to danger, hence the focus of this piece shall be on measures ans steps thay could make learn okiki g adequate enough and these are suggested herewith;

 Particularly as the call is being made for the resumption of terminal clases in preparation for their final examinations which would take them to the next class /grade or lead to a final exiting from the grade school system towards preparation for higher institutions. 

Pupils of Primary 6, JSS 3 and students in  SSS 3 are expected to resume soonest and schools should project to plan in line with government guidelines as to enforce safety and social distancing.

We envisage a situation where such learners would only spent limited time in the schools per day or week. For instance, schools might be opening  from 8 am - 12 noon; Mondays to Fridays and where need be, run shifts or have to alternate days of attendance based on groups and classes

Schools should make ready hand washing spots to guarantee regular washing of hands by students, teachers or anyone entering the school and this need to manner for proper monitoring and enforcement where need be.

 Sitting arrangement in classes must be mapped 2 metres away from each other to prevent body contact which could aid person to person spread of the disease.

 In view of this, it becomes mandatory  for all students returning  and teachers to use face masks. ( with an option of face shield for those who can afford such)
Parents are also to use face masks anytime they are to drop or pick their children from school.
 Regular activities as we know them in a school setting may no longer be a norm,such activities as;
holding of Assembly, any social gatherings ( activity or cultural days and marking of birthdays) and sporting activities would definitely have to be suspended for now.
Provision of Infrared thermometer to test body temperature at the entrance of the school  would have to be a daily routine. Anybody with high body temperature would not be allowed into the school premises

Classes must be kept well ventilated, which means, the use of air conditioners wouldn't be allowed until such is safe to be used again.

In addition to the above, parents have to ensure that the feeding of their children is not going to remain at the mercies of food vendors. Pupils/students  should  bring their food, snacks etc. from home.

Further more, schools should ensure no play-time, where mingling of pupils would take place,should be allowed among the children.
No going out of the classrooms except when  going to the rest room, which must be under close monitoring by care givers or teachers.

Body contacting such as hand shakes, hugging, physical contact or collecting of items like books, pen, spoon, cup etc should be controlled.if not avoided totally.

Schools have to be at alert always, If any child/teacher  or any individual shows any syptoms of Covid 19/malaria; such should not be allowed to come to school, he or she must stay home to be treated or call Covid 19 NCDC agents.

 Students/pupils and in addition teachers must have a pocket (handy) sanitizer for their personal use anywhere they go apart from the general one  which schools should provide.

Decontamination of classes, object surfaces and school environment frequently would be mandatory and  compulsory,l. in fact these should be started  prior to the time the school resumes to welcome the said classes and should be done in a hurry.

Take note , that it would he ideal to have only one entrance to the school premises for accessibilty by everyone for proper monitoring, this must be done in  such a way as not to compromise safety measures in times of  an emergency where exit points are to be used in addition.

 Schools should know that all these can and should be done in synergy with the regulatory authorities, hence they should be prepared for regular visitations  of personnels from such concerned, government approved, bodies and agencies. No stone should be left in turns by all and sundary.

Parents are also to take precautionary measures to see that all these measures  should not only be  observed in the school and in a consistent manner.
it should be observed at home and public places to keep our children and us safe from Covid 19 and it aftermath,

-Washing of  hands with soap and water frequently.
-Use  of hand sanitizer
-Use of face mask
-keeping of social distancing
-Reporting of any case of corona virus symptoms. Have truly come to stay as a way of life

 The non academic staff of schools would have to be well equipped and given proper training to ensure that they carry out their work as gernators, gate keepers and security personnel judiciously.

Counsellor would also need to step up their games. At resumption at reopening of schools as  there might be numerous issues that could arise affecting the psychy of the learners as a result of the changes in their daily school returns, also there might be some likely carry overs of emotional disconnects from the lockdown periods. Counsellors must be up and doing trying to see that the children are in their right frame of mind  

The pandemic indeed is changing a lot of things and the earlier we start adjusting to this the better. 
Mind you not all parents shall be willing to release their children to immediately come back to school, so schools must make provision for virtual teaching in order to reach out to those group of children in their daily routines as e-learning continues. This is a phenomenon which has come to stay.

Adeniji A.B
Lead Consultant 
Citadel Project

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