



TEXT : PSALM 97 : 3

Fire goes before him and consumes his foes on every side. 

Looking critically at the above Bible we will discover that our God does not move alone, that fire goes ahead of Him consuming His enemies.
The enemies we are referring to here as God's enemies are the enemies of His children.
God's children we talking about are true believers, those that worship God in spirit and truth (John 4 : 24).

In 2 King 1 : 1 - 12 , when we turn away from God Almighty and going round seeking help where there is no help , we arouse the anger of God upon us, if we do not retrace our steps the fire of God will surely fall from heaven to consume us , when Elijah told the messenger that king Ahaziah sent on erran to go back to him that the Lord said, "he will surely die" , he sent a captain with his company of 50 men to go arrest Elijah, twice the fire of God fell from heaven to consume them .


Our God answers by fire, the only one God who is linked with fire , the only one God who can answer prayers by fire ( Hebrew 12 : 29 ) .
When God is telling us His children that He is a consuming fire, He is telling us that He does not condole lawlessness and He can also consume us with His fire if we can't keep His law and abide by His ways 2 Samuel 6 : 6 - 7

My prayer for us today is we will not anger God to the extend that in His anger He will not consume us with His fire in the mighty name of Jesus, amen 

  • Father, let you fire fall from heaven and consume those that are destabilising my country Nigeria and the world at large .
  • Father, let you fire fall from heaven and consume those that will not allow me and my family to enjoy the fruitfulness of the land in Jesus name amen
  • Father let your fire fall from heaven and consume those that are persecuting your church and those in missionary .

Shalom brethen

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Email : litwordstv@gmail.com


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