

Think! Think!! Think!!!

Look around you, what do you see?
Take a deep breath and feel the cold silence...

My eyes are heavy, and my knees are weak, it's been a long and difficult journey. Alot of challenges and obstacle to overcome. Voices in your head keeps whispering to you to drop your boots and give up.
You keep trying to convince yourself to give it another trial, yet those thoughts in your head keep telling you all hope is lost.

Motivational words speaks volume, but they are just mere words if your mind is weak.
I've learned something very important, always keep pushing. If you stay in a position and you expect a change; you will fall, sink, and die there...

Look for new opportunities,trust your instincts. Work on any idea you've got. Be open to ideas and suggestions and most importantly; "CRITICISM", it will go along way in your decision making.

  Remember, you can't do it alone. Talk to people who have the same ideology as yours, try to work things out.
Think! Think!! Think!!! 

The idea you think is useless is what someone else  is making fortune from. There won't always be resources, it might be a set back for you, always try to improvise and work with what you have.
  Don't join the multitude to moan or complain about not having resources, skills or talent... Think! Think!! Think!!!
You have a bright mind, you are filled with great potentials; only you can do it better.

   Lastly, Self Confidence and Esteem plays an important role in your decision making skills. Never ever look down on yourself. Develop your mind. Do not allow criticism or the opinions of other people weigh you down, instead, analyse the situation and give room for improvement.

You are a perfect masterpiece capable of doing great things, you just need to unlock your full potential...

Ayomide plus

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