



In our series on the choice of good relationship, choosing who our friends are and the company we keep, we shall build on the mascots earlier learnt and try to se how we can motivate our selves toward associating worh the right and helpful clicks.

Learn to Cultivate Strategic Relationships

Strategic relationships are kinds of relationships cultivated intentionally to achieve a particular goal or some specific objectives. It's a type of relationship that is intentionally and purposefully established with final outcomes or the end results in mind. 

Strategic Relationships are alliances that are relevant to your growth, personal wellbeing and purpose fulfillment. They are pathways that make your gifts, talents, skills, knowledge,  qualifications, special abilities etc, profitable to your growth and personal greatness. 

Different relationships provide unique opportunities such as leverage, money, wealth, growth, discover, connections etc. It is your ability to manage different relationships with understanding that determines if you are going to benefit from such relationships or not. There are people you meet and the story of your life would change for better within a short period.

Everything you want to achieve in life is possible through strategic relationships. Anyone you see that things are not working well for, check their lives, obviously, certain relationships are not in place to make up for their failures. 

Sometimes, what you really need is not money or material gifts, but right connections through strategic relationships and the story of your life will change for good forever. 

I pray with you, God will connect you with unrepentant destiny helpers, those that won't give up on you till your destiny is fulfilled. Amen. 

Appreciate Productive Relationships;

One important thing you must learn and always do in order to maximise opportunities that are embedded in relationships is to identify different makers among your relationships.  Always identify and appreciate those who are contributing positively to your life. 

Never take fruitful and productive relationships for granted. Don't see it as a normal or ordinary thing that some people are interested in your growth and always ready to help you achieve your goals. Know it's a BIG deal that some people are committed to your growth and sacrifice for your success.

The fact that such people choose you, love you, support you, invest in your growth, contribute to your progress and ready to go extra miles for you doesn't mean that you are too special or irreplaceable in their lives. It is just a favour you should be sensible to acknowledge and never take for granted. 

Other mistakes you must guide against in the ways and manners you manage fruitful and productive relationships are (pride, ingratitude, over-familiarity or non-challant attitudes).
 They are slow poisons in the veins of relationships and their damages sometimes are irreparable. 

  • Review your life in the last 5, 10, 15 to 20 years and identify those relationships that had contributed meaningfully to your life. 
  •  It won't matter if such relationships are still in place or no they are no longer in existence.
  • Appreciate their love, support and positive contributions to your life. 
  •  You can do this by placing phone calls, text message, email or send gifts to such with a note of appreciation. 

An Asset OR A Liability?
In every relationship – friendship, marriage, organization, association, partnership etc, there are always two major categories of individuals; the asset and the liability.

The Asset Type:
These categories of people are the ones that make good and positive things happen in their relationship, friendship, marriage or in any organization they find themselves. 

They are the ones making efforts to contribute meaningfully to the progress and advancement of their relationships. They sacrifice their times, energy and resources for wellbeing of their relationships. 

They are not just interested in what they can get from others, but always ready to add value and make necessary sacrifices to advance the purpose and objectives of their relationships with others. 

Their sincerity and commitment are always genuine and reliable. Above it all, they are success-conscious, purpose-driven, impact-makers and result-oriented. 

The Liability Type:
These groups of individuals are the unproductive partners. They have nothing meaningful to contribute to the progress and development of their relationship or organization.

They are more interested in what they can get than what they can offer or contribute. Their loyalty to their relationships is attached to the benefits and opportunities they stand to gain. 

One terrible thing about them is that, as long as their desires and expectations are met, they are less- concerned about the interest and progress of others. They are benefit takers, glory seekers, and they comfort dwellers. 

To be continued...

In every relationship, both the asset and liability type of individual or partner can be for either permanent or temporary basis. The wisdom to identify which type of individual you are dealing with and take necessary decision become the saving grace.

(VERY SOON ) I will discuss the balance between the two and some possible suggestions for a way out. 

Gbenga Emiloju (DMPII)

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