As your teen approaches the psophomore year in high school, they start to feel pressure about their future—if they haven’t started to worry already. While some teens know what they want to do when they graduate, other need more guidance.
Helping to prepare your teen for life after high/secondary school is one of the most important tasks you'll have as a parent. It can be hard to imagine your baby as an adult. But with the right approach, helping your teen move into adulthood can be rewarding. When we fail to get things done properly and early enough, the world as it is today doesn't live room for idleness as there are ready made negative alternatives out there that could get the attention of our children without our permissions as parents., so the earlier we seize the opportunity the better.
We must not allow a minute vacuum in their lives, as we know it, even nature herself abhors vacuum.hence our teens need to be gainfully engaged and occupied positively. The transition period is our golden opportunity to get this done as parents, teachers and care givers.
- academic and personal strengths and weaknesses
- extracurricular activities
- awards and trades to learn
- Skills acquired or in anticipation
- Expectation for SSCE
- Matriculation exams and choice of school and course.
- grade point average (GPA)
- class rank
- SAT, ACT, or AP scores as the case applies
Next, teens should think about and list the qualities they're looking fopr in a college: do they want to go away to school, stay close to home, or take online courses, for example? ( this is for those that aspire to go straight to school)
As for those that perhaps the opportunity to go straight to school may not be there immediately, the right skill acquisition program that meets their interest and likes should be their line of discus.
And in a situation where working might be the most likely possibility ( due to economic reasons), it would necessary to decide early enough inorder to ascertain the reason for the temporary work; before heading to school or other life sectors.
Armed with this preliminary information, it's time to begin the research. Guidebooks, the Internet, and counselors at school are particularly helpful resources. As your teen chooses potential schools, start visiting campuses and talking with students who go there.
Talking to counsellors would really help a great deal, as many changes ate coming up in the educational sector on a regular basis of which the children need to be kept abreast of or else they might be making silly and easily avoidable choices.
They should be aware that there are many ways through which admissions in to schools can be sort depending on the entry requirements of the difference cadres of institutions in the country, as their desire and dream can afford. As for those who have the capacity to go abroad to study, there are agencies who specialises in this and help to give guidiance and help to process such at a token.
In addition, for instance, for those who have one or two deficits in their O'levels, there is the Interim Jamb Matriculation Board Exams ( IJMB) or the Joint Univeristy Preliminary Exams Board ( JUPEB) which can afford them the opportunity to make up for such and also earn a diploma for a Direct Entry ( DE) into two hundred level of the course and university of their choice ultimately.
There are other institutions in the country (Nigeria) other than universities and polytechnics such as;
- The Colleges of Nursing,,
- Colege of Agriculture,
- School of Survey,
- Schools of Health Technologies
- School of Radiagraphy,
- College of Transportation
- Nigerian Defence Academy
- Police Colleges
- School of Customes and Immigration
- Nigeria Teachers Institute
- Nigeria Institute of Journalism
- Film College
- Colege of legal and Islamic Studies.
- Schools of Marine ( Oceanography) and Aquatic Sutdies and professional bodies that run special studies program
It is also worthy of note, to know that the Open Unversity systems also operates and obtains within the country. An Avenue for those who would love to work and at the same time study with a very flexible schedule. The admission into the Nigeria Open Unversory (NOUN) doesn't require sitting for JAMB exams. Majorly, what is mainly required is just the complete O'Level results..
The NOUN campuses are spread all around the nation, so where ever the teen is, schooling continues and there are limited contact sessions while most things are achieved online.
Other opportunities and Ventures to comsider;
Job Options
If college isn't an option or your teen needs extra time to earn money for tuition, going directly into the work force offers many choices and benefits, such as health insurance and tuition reimbursement programs.
Whatever the choice maybe, it mustn't be the type that would debar such from studying for exams, or totally engaging them up to ten hours of the day, making them almost useless to do other productive things for themselves.Makimg money must not be a distraction from the ultimate goals of life, as young persons aspiring for a better tomorrow.
Enlisting in the military can be an excellent choice for a teen who feels uncertain about the future. Discipline, earning money, saving for college, learning a trade — all of this is often possible in the armed forces. Veterans are also entitled to many benefits both while in the service and after. The Nigeria Defemce Academy is a full fledged Univerity on it's own with numerous professional studies to take, but tailored to meet the needs of the military specifically. Anyone in the NDA is already regarded as a military personel, engaged to abide by the engaging rules.
However, your teen should carefully explore
Getting a job immediately after high school remains a good choice. Teens who go this route need to learn how to search for employment, write a resume, and develop interviewing skills.
Many companies reimburse their employees for continuing education in areas related to their employment. Your teen should ask about this benefit through the human resources departments of potential employers.This could afford them the opportunity to carry out part-time studies in colleges within same city as their working place.
Another option is an internship. Over the course of a year, your teen could potentially participate in two or three internships to explore career choices. But most internships are unpaid, so planning ahead is crucial if your teen needs to save money for living expenses.
Internships provide participants with the opportunity to learn about many facets of a particular career. They're also a great way to make contacts and develop mentoring relationships. This in a way help to build skills and also build their CV for future employments.
Acquiring experience is of immense value today as employers are no longer just interested in certification but also looking for those with the skills and knowhow. Those with innovations and ability to do rather than later spending extra to do on the job training for employees.
5 Tips for Helping Teens Plan Ahead for a Sizzling Future
- Visit colleges and trade schools. ...
- Job-shadow a person in an interesting career. ...
- Volunteer in your neighborhood. ...
- Practice presentation skills. ...
- Consider the school year ahead.
Whether you’re a parent, Learning Coach, teacher, or school counselor, we all share a common goal: to prepare kids to succeed in life beyond virtual school. And not surprisingly, setting specific goals for their adult lives can help teenagers stay motivated and focused on learning. Here are a few practical ideas to help high school kids jump-start their future plans during those lazy days of summer/ time awaiting to sit for Post-Utme and admission period. It's a period for skill upgrading , a time for being occupied gainfully doing something productive not just for themselves, but also for the family.
- Visit colleges and trade schools. Summer is a great time for teens to think about the careers that interest them and to research what kind of education or training they may need after high school. Visit some colleges, universities, or trade schools this summer to get a “feel” for various sizes and types of campuses. In Nogeria this opportunity comes within the window of time when teens seat for Univeritty matriculation exams and thei SSCE.
- Job-shadow a person in an interesting career. It’s difficult to understand what it’s like to work in a particular business or industry without experiencing it. Help your high school student research some local companies in a field of interest. Encourage your teen to call and schedule an afternoon of shadowing someone on the job to see firsthand what’s involved in a particular career.
- What is most common, is to see teens taking up teaching jobs with private schools, teaching the preschool age children or even the primary pupils, depending on the areas they live and the needs and size of the schools in question.
- Volunteer in your neighborhood. Community service is a great way to make contacts and gain valuable real-life experience. Nonprofit organizations always need help, be it visiting a nursing ( the aged) home for a day, cleaning up a local playground, or serving food to the needy. Your teen can help others while also gaining confidence and bolstering his or her resume.
- Practice presentation skills. For everything from college admissions meetings to job interviews and board meetings, public speaking skills are key! Have your teenager pick a topic and do a 10- to 15-minute presentation for your family. Be sure to give constructive feedback! If you have a video camera, record the talk so your student can critique his or her performance.
- Often time we find our teens making efforts to join computer training shops to learn one package or the other while they await admissions. Thus us a step in the right direction
- Consider the school year ahead. Brainstorm together for ways to make the upcoming school year an interesting and engaging year of learning for your high schooler. Are there new clubs and activities he or she would like to try?
- Are any student leadership opportunities available through school or in the community?
- Is an after-school job an option? Your student may also benefit from contacting his or her school counselor to discuss the choices available.
With more free time, fewer academic responsibilities, and these tips to get you started, this transition or summer break as as we have it here in Nigeria, , the transition between writing the WASSCE and gaining admission, may be your best opportunity to help your child research, refine, and establish goals that pave the way for a lifetime of succes.
GETTING OCCUPIED IN KINGDOM BUSINESS; Parents must note that this period of wait can also be a great opportunity for teens to get their bearings right in rediscovering themselves spiritually, serving God isn't an adult based job description thing. It is for all ages, and by that , teens are very much inclusive. They could volunteer serving in the choir or helping with deskworks in church offices. They could be helpful with the Sunday school and the gernitory department.
Let no one dispise thy youth, but be thou an example to everyone. It is good they bear the yoke in the days of their youth, serving the Lord before the time would come , when they shall say, 'I have no pleasure in them'.
Productive years are meant for productivity and the house of God should not be an exception.
Compile by Ayobeniji4j
Reference for further read;